Isabella Kecht

Coach & Facilitator

Isabella is a German-Ecuadorian Coach & Facilitator based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She works 1on1, gives workshops and offers online programs.

Emotions & Integration

Isabella offers a safe and shame-free space where leaders & doers get to process their emotions, thoughts and other sensations to feel their fully empowered self again.

Language & Culture

Communication is so much more than words. Understanding human language and culture is becoming more crucial in hybrid businesses.

Isabella supports her clients in finding confidence in culturally diverse work places by regaining awareness of what connects us humans in the first place.

Serious Play

Inspired by Zen Buddhism and Nature Play Isabella supports teams and individuals to reintegrate rest and creative play into their schedules for sustainable long-term success.


You would like to know more about her work or would like to work with her? Get in touch!


My main goal with my work is to give people hope in humanity in these uncertain & fast-paced times. Thank you for being interested in what I do!"
- Isabella